Monday, March 21, 2011

Hello Out There!

I am very new to this blogging thing. I had to start sometime, so now that Ellie is part of our family I assume there will be cute stories to tell and pictures to share. I won't promise routine updates, but when I have time I will update the page.  

A quick look at the last few months:

- August - Spent a week in Colorado on vacation, and returned homeowners. 
- September - Moved into our home in Solomon, KS (Go Gorillas!)
- December - Celebrated Christmas with family in Manhattan and Norwich. 
- January 25 - Welcomed Miss Elinor "Ellie" Rose Turner to our family

....  and a few pictures of Ellie..

Ellie meeting Uncle Kevin and Cousin Mason (born 2.9.11)

Not quite ready to drop the pacifier.

One of the many adorable photos my dear
friend, Jenn, took at 3 weeks old.

We'll talk later!